Projector or Flatscreen TVs?
There are times we use flatscreens, there are also times we use projectors. It is really not necessary to applaud this one over another. Here’s a brief comparison between projector & flatscreen TVs, including main parameters that are considered by major consumers.
In terms of the device size, projectors do obtain the full advantage. For flatscreens, you only get one size, for example, only 85 inches for the 85 inches TV you purchase. While for projectors, there’s room for adjusting. Based on the specific need and the specific model, the projection size could range from 40 inches to 100 inches. More importantly, projectors could provide a more immersive experience compared with large-screen TVs.
Space Usage
Many buyers choose projectors because of its portability, basically, you could place the projector anywhere you want. Even if there’s a pro screen installed, the whole set wouldn’t take up too much space. The screen could be folded or put away when it is not in use. So if you want to save space, buying a projector as a substitute seems a good choice.
Resolution is the most important factor of home recreation devices like flatscreen TVs/projectors. It is worthwhile to think through your choice, which factor matters more, the portability or the resolution? With the same money, buyers could get higher resolution from flat-screen TVs. For now, it’s around $300 for 49-inch 1080p LED TV, with this price, buyers could get a 720p projector at most, whether it’s LCD or DLP.
1080p or 4k high-definition- for projectors
- If the projection area does not exceed 100 inches, for human eyes, 1080p and 4k are difficult to distinguish.
- If the projection area is smaller than 60 inches, 720p basically could meet the demand for HD.
- For projection area of 100-120 inches, native resolution 720p and 1080p are acceptable. 4K is a good choice if larger projection sizes are required and the video source is real 4k.
Apart from the native resolution, brightness(lumens) and contrast ratio also play significant roles for the actual display effect.
In this respect, buyers who values high definition, need to compare with other factors as well before making the decision.
Lumen is the unit used to measure brightness. Play effect of flat-screen TVs is barely influenced by the lighting condition, while projectors are more likely to be affected.
- 500 lumens projectors can only be used in dim-lighted environments.
- For 1000-2000 lumens projectors, during the day, a decent play effect could be achieved without any strong light stimulation.
- For projectors possessing 3000 lumens and more, the influence inserted by the lighting condition would be slight.
Contrast Ratio
Contrast determines how many color levels the imaging can recognize, and it is the key of seeing more details. When the resolution reaches 720p and above, the contrast level would be more important than it is in the lower resolution range. It is recommended to choose products with higher contrast ratio even with the limited budget.
Service Life
Average useful life for flatscreen TVs is 10 years, average useful life for projectors (laser projector is not included) is about 4 years which could be prolonged if the bulb could be timely replaced. As for the maintenance expense, it may vary depending on the specific model.
Projection Screen
Projector and projection screen together determine the whole watching experience.
- White plastic screen is the most common type, with the lowest brightness gain. The glass bead curtain will make the projection image brighter.
- The gray curtain will enhance the darkness and contrast, so that the details of the picture in the dark areas are more obvious.
In summary, depending on your own requirements for the viewing experience, you can choose a large screen TV or projector. Most of today’s TVs are also smart TVs, and you can stream the content you want with a built-in app or TV box. At this point, the functions that TVs and projectors can achieve are the same.